Because of its relative historical novelty, and decentralized nature of OTC transactions in most countries [1] Forex is not regulated at the level of specificity, but at the level of general provisions on foreign exchange transactions. These general provisions do not regulate, however, issues of mediation. Thus, forex broker activity even in the U.S. and the EU, not to mention Russia, not only is not licensed, but are generally not regulated by law [2]. In all states, has long been under the FSA NFA, broker-kun guarantee it. Fuck you open that there have recently fxopena license yanked in Mauritius for what they have to ESN 300 bills from the state was on a tip-FXPro, most likely
It is not surprising that a niche brokerage services in the new market flooded by unscrupulous middlemen, popularly dubbed the "kitchen". Such psevdobrokery not commit to the real demand of the customer conversion and, therefore, not enrolled alleged profits to deposit client. In this regard, the removal of the customer profit kitchens Aki sickle in the balls. Therefore, they strongly inhibit not only the conclusion, but also the creation of profit, as a rule so elegantly, that such actions can not be classified as fraud (these actions below.)
Slightly less than b-goprotivnymi, but still unfit for work, the so-called "polukuhni." Kitchen harm to the client intentionally, and dangerous polukuhni nekvalifitsirovannostyu management, lack of own funds and the necessary zavyazok with banks. Trying to faithfully execute their commitments, polukuhni conversion at the request of the client do, money is credited, but create additional risks to the client. The method of mediation is the so-called polukuhon crossing. Crossing forex (unlike the stock exchanges) by itself is not beneath one's dignity, but only if there are prepared in advance a safety net - set the output position in the interbank market by preponderance of applications in the same direction. A polukuhni this possibility have not. Usually, the reason for this is a relative small number of customers and, consequently, low speed (the bank with a dozen others, thousands of greens fool will not), as well as banal laziness (interaction with the bank also needs to be organized) and carelessness (such as maybe, and so wriggled .) Because polukuhni insured only their own nest egg, often quite thin. Under normal circumstances, no problems, but if the market will nix applications and set skew to one side - possible improper conduct is not worse than in the classical kitchen. In addition, for polukuhon characteristic technical problems with the correctness of quotations, order execution and input / output of money. They do not mean any harm, but the difference to the customer no.
In addition to these despicable, there is a normal and brokers, came to the market in earnest, and for a long time for a big fat, and therefore valuing reputation. What say about them? Not a problem to the customer. Nor in the daily work of speculative nor on the doorposts of topics broker independent forums are not seen and not heard. However, long known that good reputation is, and a thin running. Therefore, the mass of people unfamiliar with the subject believe that any forex broker is a priori a kitchen. Should also be noted that the gap in the legislation is that more double-edged sword, and considerably facilitates optimization of taxation, as brokers and successful clients. From what they eat and how to prepare suckers
On any financial market comparable earnings potential speculator-income financial geniuses legitimate business or profits, bosses of the shadow economy. Profit in the fact that in comparison with the construction, for example, the media empire or multinational currency trading is profitable in significantly smaller amounts of trouble, but in comparison with drug or arms trafficking, it is actually legal. In this regard, innumerable herds of people with intellectual disabilities flock there as the night insects on fire, reveling in dreams of super-profits, but having absolutely no qualities that could turn a novice into a professional grown rich on speculation. This applies to any market, but in the FOREX situation will be worse overall picture as to general market risk is extremely high [3] applied the risk of running into a dishonest broker.
However, it is worth noting that the abundance of suckers, serviced fit who commit conversion by brokers, is extremely beneficial not only last, but the hardened speculators, as the increased market liquidity and the number known to be doomed to defeat and hit the pockets of professional money. With a small amount of money can not long keep an open stance, which makes the forex roulette, and all the exchanges - in high-casino. How to cook suckers Small Stainless looks at you as a potential source of income
Lochy is much more profitable to brokers, rather than the right recruits, eventually grow into professionals. For the right, firstly, very few, and second, though theoretically they are beneficial, since more expense - more security [4] - more spread, but in practice long before it grow and make an average of fewer trades (for looking for a secure opportunity to open positions, and do not climb at random under the influence of passion), and thirdly, to them, due to the inherent non-empty people self-reliance and criticality harder vparivayut books, training, and the like, which is an additional source of income of many brokers, including suitable . Based on these considerations, marketing, calculated on a target audience similar to potential customers and MLM pyramid schemes, and is similar methods. Aggressive advertising on the Internet, on street billboards, in public transport, spam newspapers. The interested then goof comes to "free introductory workshop," where he throws in the ears of "success stories" about the legendary Soros operation against the pound in the 92-m [5] and the like, show a bunch of beautiful, colorful graphics, which (as in any schedule, except for his right side :-) very easy to see where to buy and where to sell.
Of course, glossed over or very briefly mentioned the risks of a tiny percentage of survivors and more than a tiny percentage had risen to forex, and how cold sweat speculator and bitter bread of it. Although such a situation, even if they say openly, nerd, just like after watching Soros for a day raised a billion dollars, or as a former cook, Aunt Mary (that is, an actress in the role of Aunt Masha [6]) - ten thousand green, it is still not hear [7] [8]. In addition, the suckers hilling helps low minimum deposit, which could well afford, and repeatedly, any golozhopets. Of course, nobody can say Luohu to limit the risks and that in a couple of hundred bucks in the account is transformed into a net forex roulette - a pair of moose (and the other at first did not happen) and fucking - even the pros, taking his password, it is unlikely to win. Loch enthusiastically signed (usually without reading) some paper, and all. Dinner is served, sit down to eat, please. How to eat suckers
There are two methods - a clumsy and elegant. The first method is inherent in the kitchens and polukuhnyam always - in the circumstances, the second - to everyone who puts on the suckers as the main clientele. Rude, barbaric methods b A head where?
Hilling Elaeagnus in violation of its obligations. Is this: Having a Elaeagnus money for an imaginary credited to the account, go for a walk to pick up their own Gypsy. After which, imitating the seething brokerage, show schedule and make application. The whole trick is that the average hick is so mediocre and not suitable for stock trading that lose, regardless of make money with his conversion or not. Therefore, the expectation of such an action is very promising. If Luohu suddenly went color (this is possible, especially given that goof on the market is not working, he played on it, like a casino), or whether he had begun to think in the trade and to make broth (a rare occurrence, but it happened and is), then begins to apply a broad arsenal of methods.
The most common method - single quotes distortion in the form of a candle with a huge tail, they kill every stop. Repeating this number several times, you can bleed any lohovskoy deposit, especially given the average value thereof. Avothuy. Transactions at non-market quotations on the real accounts are not enforced, and if fulfilled, then canceled, and the spike of the quotes archive is overwritten. On demo accounts the transaction were not canceled. This is facilitated by the fact that the kitchen and polukuhni wry (but against the interests of the client is very sharp) prescribe the procedure for dispute settlement, because the average Luohu virtually impossible to cancel the deal as flawed. If hick wants to bring the surviving funds, or find a pretext to send, or if the nerd is stubborn and determined, perhaps something from his master's pocket, so no complaints annoyed Putin and declared to the UN. Even so the benefit is obvious, since the dirty tricks and no there will be very little neprosravshih at least some money. And even more unlikely that the Loch for their bucks will weave butt to the last.
Go kid to success and helps to contract with a bunch of podlyanok (which, even more so, the Loch is not in the habit of pre-study, not to mention about the show versed in civil law attorney), and, in particularly severe cases, and does the lack of agreement. In addition, the money allegedly lie very far away, hardly goof go right to swing Cyprus [9] or the Seychelles [10]. Of course, the creators of such offices, as well as all sorts of scammers - people are not stupid, because serious money under the pretext refuse to take because it involves very different capabilities and methods of repayment thereof dough. That's just hardly a business man with a cabbage with brokers to shit on one hectare of the field will sit down and not what the money trust. Is that what fool wants to increase lottery jackpot, or senile pensioner - Cluster overwork.
Polukuhni can apply similar methods in the case of the vulgar an extraordinary situation, when they do not have enough customers and its own funds to reimburse the customer profits. Or against the survivor and when the client lacks zamaterevshego losers and by chronically unprofitable to bet a man to understand something in the markets, but does not understand the broker, will try to somehow survive. For example, make it impossible to put the deal under the guise of slippage or even cut off quotation under the guise of a server problem. In addition, polukuhni may give superficially similar to stoporezami left quotes, but not maliciously, but because of a defective filter thread. Thus, polukuhnya, for all its superficial comely, sooner or later show their fucking guts. It is also worth noting that in recent years has gone pugany goof, and old-school kitchen, or have disappeared altogether, or remain in different Muhosranskah and Kozoebovkah. But polukuhnyami, unfortunately, a majority of the DTs, both here and in Europe, the Americas.
Grifters single also no stranger to rough methods. Here are the most famous and large-scale event. Another example. The target audience is divided into two parts. The first half sent the bait: our team of professional analysts advised buying shares of the company urgently And because tomorrow they will grow in value. The second half gets the opposite thesis predicts decrease in the value of shares of A. The next day, depending on market dynamics work is continuing with either the first or the second half of potential investors, purchasers and projections. Finally, when the client has matured, tested the infallibility of the oracle, an offer to bet, gentlemen.
There are, of course, lovers of good faith and to work with someone else's money. But at best, a "waterline" of professionals - something can, but not so skilled to unwind in this [11], and at worst - and at who imagines himself a dilettante. B-goprotivnyya Internets are full of similar offers, and this despite the fact that, legally, are muddied, by the same hole in the law, are not regulated. In the best case - the duty of one physicist to another, with all the complexities of the return. Do I have to explain what this expanse? We can only wonder naive fellows seeking raskrutchika their blood in all the ratings on brokerage sites [12]. "I do not freeloader, I partner ', yeah :-) Sensitive, civilized methods Forex. The future is in your hands! Look further. ICHSH, this robot does not just exist - it hangs among the "coolest", hinting that kakbe ...
Hilling Elaeagnus without violating the obligations assumed.
One of the most common ways - podsazhivanie suckers for intraday trading. Anyone versed in financial markets, a person knows that intraday trading much more difficult because of the positional orders of magnitude more intense mental exertion. Therefore, the beginner there is nothing to do, and even many experienced players such work not due to natural osilivayut weak stability of the psyche. However, brokers, of course, advantageous to have spread to dozens of trades per day than with a pair a week, so the course is well-known fairy tale that position trading allegedly needed a much larger deposit.
Educational govnouslugi. Elementary and advanced courses, various seminars. Since brokers can not wait to begin to cut suckers on spreads, the initial training course similar to the infamous Soviet accelerated training of pilots of World War II. The teachers, most who had decided to acquire a non-stable income traders, losers, explain Lohamei as push buttons, which are indicators, news, and similar elements at ABC (vlegkuyu mastered in a couple of nights on their own and for free) and then gently hint to prevent abuse that is ready to trade real account. And this is after 2-3 weeks. Advanced courses are in-depth theory (again mastered by a non-empty person independently as two fingers on the asphalt) or, more often by regular guru of various mechanical systems and market analysis. It sometimes occur nonempty development, but very rarely. In addition, Lohamei not say that the inability to control himself and the absence of a clear plan to limit the risks of cancer put any technique, even separately.
Selling books (books are very few individual, an absolute majority - collections of truisms and retelling the well-known methods of trade), b-gomerzkih automated programs to trade, exploiting infernal Elaeagnus infantile wish to make a profit they have escaped the good old-fashioned hard work:
advisers - program type analyzes the market and make recommendations;
Black Box - Loch enters data, the program gives a result in contrast to the adviser that the decision algorithm is hidden;
Robot apogee freebies essence is clear from the title. We sit, and the money flowing. That's just the direction of flow is not something hehehe.
Paragraphs 2 and 3 also with great success by private individuals and firms not involved in the mediation. How to distinguish the right broker from the kitchen
In view of the proverbial hole in the legislation to make it much harder than the stock market, where there is sufficient availability of a firm license and registration on the exchange floor. Forex can also rely on their own eyes and brains. Kitchen Signs Example fucking snot-nevebennoy in more than 1,000 points in franc
In practice, the identification of several comprehensive features kitchen and polukuhni. Since the two varieties of a shit, there's no difference.
"Stoporezy" so-called. Distortion of quotations, organized sharagoy to drive clients to losses by vyshibaniya stops. May arise not maliciously, but for raspizdyaystvu due to poor filtration flow of quotations. In any case, it is extremely trefno, excusable circumstance are the only reliable information that the office in such a situation, win customers with profit left (hence, higher values reputation cents), and the loser has canceled the deal. They look like candles with long tails nevebenno. It's not that simple long and so long that no pussy, no boobs, no Red Army. The motion takes place so rapidly that there is no way to put the deal - such as slipping them so, yeah. Who has seen, will understand who have not seen - with a minimum experience of working with graphs is quite able to distinguish [13]. Above you can see an example of a candle, which first hit by the foot. Secondly, customer deposits of not more than 500-1000 dollars, amassed back-breaking labor with drug sales to children have been successfully fused to call Kohl (marzhyn call).
Problems with the withdrawal of money from the working of the deposit. Any shred difficulty with this case is sufficient to change the broker, the benefit of competition in this market is very large.
It is not surprising that a niche brokerage services in the new market flooded by unscrupulous middlemen, popularly dubbed the "kitchen". Such psevdobrokery not commit to the real demand of the customer conversion and, therefore, not enrolled alleged profits to deposit client. In this regard, the removal of the customer profit kitchens Aki sickle in the balls. Therefore, they strongly inhibit not only the conclusion, but also the creation of profit, as a rule so elegantly, that such actions can not be classified as fraud (these actions below.)
Slightly less than b-goprotivnymi, but still unfit for work, the so-called "polukuhni." Kitchen harm to the client intentionally, and dangerous polukuhni nekvalifitsirovannostyu management, lack of own funds and the necessary zavyazok with banks. Trying to faithfully execute their commitments, polukuhni conversion at the request of the client do, money is credited, but create additional risks to the client. The method of mediation is the so-called polukuhon crossing. Crossing forex (unlike the stock exchanges) by itself is not beneath one's dignity, but only if there are prepared in advance a safety net - set the output position in the interbank market by preponderance of applications in the same direction. A polukuhni this possibility have not. Usually, the reason for this is a relative small number of customers and, consequently, low speed (the bank with a dozen others, thousands of greens fool will not), as well as banal laziness (interaction with the bank also needs to be organized) and carelessness (such as maybe, and so wriggled .) Because polukuhni insured only their own nest egg, often quite thin. Under normal circumstances, no problems, but if the market will nix applications and set skew to one side - possible improper conduct is not worse than in the classical kitchen. In addition, for polukuhon characteristic technical problems with the correctness of quotations, order execution and input / output of money. They do not mean any harm, but the difference to the customer no.
In addition to these despicable, there is a normal and brokers, came to the market in earnest, and for a long time for a big fat, and therefore valuing reputation. What say about them? Not a problem to the customer. Nor in the daily work of speculative nor on the doorposts of topics broker independent forums are not seen and not heard. However, long known that good reputation is, and a thin running. Therefore, the mass of people unfamiliar with the subject believe that any forex broker is a priori a kitchen. Should also be noted that the gap in the legislation is that more double-edged sword, and considerably facilitates optimization of taxation, as brokers and successful clients. From what they eat and how to prepare suckers
On any financial market comparable earnings potential speculator-income financial geniuses legitimate business or profits, bosses of the shadow economy. Profit in the fact that in comparison with the construction, for example, the media empire or multinational currency trading is profitable in significantly smaller amounts of trouble, but in comparison with drug or arms trafficking, it is actually legal. In this regard, innumerable herds of people with intellectual disabilities flock there as the night insects on fire, reveling in dreams of super-profits, but having absolutely no qualities that could turn a novice into a professional grown rich on speculation. This applies to any market, but in the FOREX situation will be worse overall picture as to general market risk is extremely high [3] applied the risk of running into a dishonest broker.
However, it is worth noting that the abundance of suckers, serviced fit who commit conversion by brokers, is extremely beneficial not only last, but the hardened speculators, as the increased market liquidity and the number known to be doomed to defeat and hit the pockets of professional money. With a small amount of money can not long keep an open stance, which makes the forex roulette, and all the exchanges - in high-casino. How to cook suckers Small Stainless looks at you as a potential source of income
Lochy is much more profitable to brokers, rather than the right recruits, eventually grow into professionals. For the right, firstly, very few, and second, though theoretically they are beneficial, since more expense - more security [4] - more spread, but in practice long before it grow and make an average of fewer trades (for looking for a secure opportunity to open positions, and do not climb at random under the influence of passion), and thirdly, to them, due to the inherent non-empty people self-reliance and criticality harder vparivayut books, training, and the like, which is an additional source of income of many brokers, including suitable . Based on these considerations, marketing, calculated on a target audience similar to potential customers and MLM pyramid schemes, and is similar methods. Aggressive advertising on the Internet, on street billboards, in public transport, spam newspapers. The interested then goof comes to "free introductory workshop," where he throws in the ears of "success stories" about the legendary Soros operation against the pound in the 92-m [5] and the like, show a bunch of beautiful, colorful graphics, which (as in any schedule, except for his right side :-) very easy to see where to buy and where to sell.
Of course, glossed over or very briefly mentioned the risks of a tiny percentage of survivors and more than a tiny percentage had risen to forex, and how cold sweat speculator and bitter bread of it. Although such a situation, even if they say openly, nerd, just like after watching Soros for a day raised a billion dollars, or as a former cook, Aunt Mary (that is, an actress in the role of Aunt Masha [6]) - ten thousand green, it is still not hear [7] [8]. In addition, the suckers hilling helps low minimum deposit, which could well afford, and repeatedly, any golozhopets. Of course, nobody can say Luohu to limit the risks and that in a couple of hundred bucks in the account is transformed into a net forex roulette - a pair of moose (and the other at first did not happen) and fucking - even the pros, taking his password, it is unlikely to win. Loch enthusiastically signed (usually without reading) some paper, and all. Dinner is served, sit down to eat, please. How to eat suckers
There are two methods - a clumsy and elegant. The first method is inherent in the kitchens and polukuhnyam always - in the circumstances, the second - to everyone who puts on the suckers as the main clientele. Rude, barbaric methods b A head where?
Hilling Elaeagnus in violation of its obligations. Is this: Having a Elaeagnus money for an imaginary credited to the account, go for a walk to pick up their own Gypsy. After which, imitating the seething brokerage, show schedule and make application. The whole trick is that the average hick is so mediocre and not suitable for stock trading that lose, regardless of make money with his conversion or not. Therefore, the expectation of such an action is very promising. If Luohu suddenly went color (this is possible, especially given that goof on the market is not working, he played on it, like a casino), or whether he had begun to think in the trade and to make broth (a rare occurrence, but it happened and is), then begins to apply a broad arsenal of methods.
The most common method - single quotes distortion in the form of a candle with a huge tail, they kill every stop. Repeating this number several times, you can bleed any lohovskoy deposit, especially given the average value thereof. Avothuy. Transactions at non-market quotations on the real accounts are not enforced, and if fulfilled, then canceled, and the spike of the quotes archive is overwritten. On demo accounts the transaction were not canceled. This is facilitated by the fact that the kitchen and polukuhni wry (but against the interests of the client is very sharp) prescribe the procedure for dispute settlement, because the average Luohu virtually impossible to cancel the deal as flawed. If hick wants to bring the surviving funds, or find a pretext to send, or if the nerd is stubborn and determined, perhaps something from his master's pocket, so no complaints annoyed Putin and declared to the UN. Even so the benefit is obvious, since the dirty tricks and no there will be very little neprosravshih at least some money. And even more unlikely that the Loch for their bucks will weave butt to the last.
Go kid to success and helps to contract with a bunch of podlyanok (which, even more so, the Loch is not in the habit of pre-study, not to mention about the show versed in civil law attorney), and, in particularly severe cases, and does the lack of agreement. In addition, the money allegedly lie very far away, hardly goof go right to swing Cyprus [9] or the Seychelles [10]. Of course, the creators of such offices, as well as all sorts of scammers - people are not stupid, because serious money under the pretext refuse to take because it involves very different capabilities and methods of repayment thereof dough. That's just hardly a business man with a cabbage with brokers to shit on one hectare of the field will sit down and not what the money trust. Is that what fool wants to increase lottery jackpot, or senile pensioner - Cluster overwork.
Polukuhni can apply similar methods in the case of the vulgar an extraordinary situation, when they do not have enough customers and its own funds to reimburse the customer profits. Or against the survivor and when the client lacks zamaterevshego losers and by chronically unprofitable to bet a man to understand something in the markets, but does not understand the broker, will try to somehow survive. For example, make it impossible to put the deal under the guise of slippage or even cut off quotation under the guise of a server problem. In addition, polukuhni may give superficially similar to stoporezami left quotes, but not maliciously, but because of a defective filter thread. Thus, polukuhnya, for all its superficial comely, sooner or later show their fucking guts. It is also worth noting that in recent years has gone pugany goof, and old-school kitchen, or have disappeared altogether, or remain in different Muhosranskah and Kozoebovkah. But polukuhnyami, unfortunately, a majority of the DTs, both here and in Europe, the Americas.
Grifters single also no stranger to rough methods. Here are the most famous and large-scale event. Another example. The target audience is divided into two parts. The first half sent the bait: our team of professional analysts advised buying shares of the company urgently And because tomorrow they will grow in value. The second half gets the opposite thesis predicts decrease in the value of shares of A. The next day, depending on market dynamics work is continuing with either the first or the second half of potential investors, purchasers and projections. Finally, when the client has matured, tested the infallibility of the oracle, an offer to bet, gentlemen.
There are, of course, lovers of good faith and to work with someone else's money. But at best, a "waterline" of professionals - something can, but not so skilled to unwind in this [11], and at worst - and at who imagines himself a dilettante. B-goprotivnyya Internets are full of similar offers, and this despite the fact that, legally, are muddied, by the same hole in the law, are not regulated. In the best case - the duty of one physicist to another, with all the complexities of the return. Do I have to explain what this expanse? We can only wonder naive fellows seeking raskrutchika their blood in all the ratings on brokerage sites [12]. "I do not freeloader, I partner ', yeah :-) Sensitive, civilized methods Forex. The future is in your hands! Look further. ICHSH, this robot does not just exist - it hangs among the "coolest", hinting that kakbe ...
Hilling Elaeagnus without violating the obligations assumed.
One of the most common ways - podsazhivanie suckers for intraday trading. Anyone versed in financial markets, a person knows that intraday trading much more difficult because of the positional orders of magnitude more intense mental exertion. Therefore, the beginner there is nothing to do, and even many experienced players such work not due to natural osilivayut weak stability of the psyche. However, brokers, of course, advantageous to have spread to dozens of trades per day than with a pair a week, so the course is well-known fairy tale that position trading allegedly needed a much larger deposit.
Educational govnouslugi. Elementary and advanced courses, various seminars. Since brokers can not wait to begin to cut suckers on spreads, the initial training course similar to the infamous Soviet accelerated training of pilots of World War II. The teachers, most who had decided to acquire a non-stable income traders, losers, explain Lohamei as push buttons, which are indicators, news, and similar elements at ABC (vlegkuyu mastered in a couple of nights on their own and for free) and then gently hint to prevent abuse that is ready to trade real account. And this is after 2-3 weeks. Advanced courses are in-depth theory (again mastered by a non-empty person independently as two fingers on the asphalt) or, more often by regular guru of various mechanical systems and market analysis. It sometimes occur nonempty development, but very rarely. In addition, Lohamei not say that the inability to control himself and the absence of a clear plan to limit the risks of cancer put any technique, even separately.
Selling books (books are very few individual, an absolute majority - collections of truisms and retelling the well-known methods of trade), b-gomerzkih automated programs to trade, exploiting infernal Elaeagnus infantile wish to make a profit they have escaped the good old-fashioned hard work:
advisers - program type analyzes the market and make recommendations;
Black Box - Loch enters data, the program gives a result in contrast to the adviser that the decision algorithm is hidden;
Robot apogee freebies essence is clear from the title. We sit, and the money flowing. That's just the direction of flow is not something hehehe.
Paragraphs 2 and 3 also with great success by private individuals and firms not involved in the mediation. How to distinguish the right broker from the kitchen
In view of the proverbial hole in the legislation to make it much harder than the stock market, where there is sufficient availability of a firm license and registration on the exchange floor. Forex can also rely on their own eyes and brains. Kitchen Signs Example fucking snot-nevebennoy in more than 1,000 points in franc
In practice, the identification of several comprehensive features kitchen and polukuhni. Since the two varieties of a shit, there's no difference.
"Stoporezy" so-called. Distortion of quotations, organized sharagoy to drive clients to losses by vyshibaniya stops. May arise not maliciously, but for raspizdyaystvu due to poor filtration flow of quotations. In any case, it is extremely trefno, excusable circumstance are the only reliable information that the office in such a situation, win customers with profit left (hence, higher values reputation cents), and the loser has canceled the deal. They look like candles with long tails nevebenno. It's not that simple long and so long that no pussy, no boobs, no Red Army. The motion takes place so rapidly that there is no way to put the deal - such as slipping them so, yeah. Who has seen, will understand who have not seen - with a minimum experience of working with graphs is quite able to distinguish [13]. Above you can see an example of a candle, which first hit by the foot. Secondly, customer deposits of not more than 500-1000 dollars, amassed back-breaking labor with drug sales to children have been successfully fused to call Kohl (marzhyn call).
Problems with the withdrawal of money from the working of the deposit. Any shred difficulty with this case is sufficient to change the broker, the benefit of competition in this market is very large.
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